Posts Tagged ‘Random Thoughts’

Absurd Imaginings?

Stuck in a place…she did not belong to…a place, where the flesh existed…but the soul was detached…somewhere far away…so far, it ceased to exist at times…ceases to mean something…ceases to make a difference in her life.
Her life…one she did not understand…one that betrayed who she really was…all that she ever wanted to be…but nothing materialized…and her dreams were swept away…to a far-away place…but one that she could reach…only her! Why…she would wonder…why would life inflict that misery upon her…to be able to reach that far-away place…with all her dead dreams…rotting away…un-seen and un-heard by all but her alone…she is left to commiserate…on what could have been…but never did become reality…with her left to wallow in her misery!
Stuck in a time…a time that seems alien…all her notions about life are negated…in this era that haunts her…her and her imagery of life…all shackled away in this time that she exists in…wrong time…wrong place…or absurd imaginings…throwing her to the winds…with every notion of flying in her mind…but nature forgot to give her wings…maybe, deliberately!
Tears…tears that spring from her eyes…trying to drown out the sorrow she feels inside…all the hurt and pain and anguish…her lake of misery…but how does one drown away something that will never end…the lake that will never dry…forever skimming near the surface of her heart…
Pain…pain that she feels with such ferocious intensity…it seems un-natural but it will never go away…a constant existence…a constant reminder…
A moment…one moment that will explain everything to her…make her understand…the sufferings…the hurt…the betrayals…the complexities…the circumstances that have made her who she is today…one moment…that she deserves!
Peace…peace that she longs for…but may never achieve…peace with everything around her…and more importantly, within her!


Change is inevitable. It catches us off-guard, coming when we’re least expecting it to. It brings chaos, confusion, requiring quick decisions to mould ourselves into the change around us. Yet, it brings hope. Filling the air with a new something, the fresh scent of a newly blossomed flower. The first ray of sunlight as the clouds make way for the sun. The first few drops as the heat is made bearable by the first rain of the monsoon season. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the butterfly, as it adds so many colours to our world. Change, in all its forms, brings excitement. Change, it is what we live for. Yearning with a desire to unravel the mysteries of life, change is what enables us to. Changes in perception, help us see the world in a new light. It sheds light on the hidden truths we so conveniently try to avoid. Whether we’re hit in the face unawares, or we bring it about , the change will come. Change is how societies evolve. Change is how man has abandoned the caves and flown into skyscrapers. Change has made us who we are today. It makes life worth living.
Change commands differing reactions from everyone. Some welcome it with open arms. Embrace it and become a part of it, hence making their contribution to humankind’s quest on this planet. Yet, some refrain. They live in a state of denial and cease to go with the natural flow of life. Change beckons, but they restrain themselves, and end up on the losing side. Life passes them by, while they hold onto the disillusionment of yester-years. Sad it is, as they refuse to succumb to life’s vital ingredient, change. For what is life really without change. Like a stagnant body of water, a puddle, that starts giving off bad smell if left for a long time in the same state. Life is supposed to be like the flowing stream, that runs along, along the rocks and mountains, making its own path, curving where it needs to, turning in new directions every now and then.
Change is life beckoning us. Calling out to us to join the human tribe, as it moves forward. Evolves, one step at a time. And with every new step, a new idea, a new way of life, a new insight into the world is achieved. One step closer to solving the mystery of life. Maybe, maybe not. But it does not matter, because change is what makes life worth living. Makes it so much more bearable with all the heavy constants weighing down on us all the time. Change is healthy, change is inviting. Change…is life!